Passive Voice Part II
1. 現在完了受動態(Passive Present Perfect):
~has/have been + 過去分詞~
“~されてある、~してある” と言う現在の場面で使います。
She has opened the door to let the air into the room.
The door has been opened (by her) to let the air into the room.
My neighbor has painted the house over the weekend.
The house has been painted (by my neighbor) over the weekend.
A group of experts have completed the investigation into the accident.
The investigation into the accident has been completed (by a group of experts).
A colleague of mine has suggested a new idea on sharing work more efficiently.
A new idea on sharing work more efficiently has been suggested (by a new colleague of mine).
The building contractor has renovated the apartment complex on schedule.
The apartment complex has been renovated (by the building contractor) on schedule.
North Korean soldiers have launched multiple artillery shells on South Korean territory.
Multiple artillery shells have been launched (by North Korean soldiers) on South Korean territory.
2. 過去完了受動態(Passive Past Perfect):
~had been + 過去分詞~
“~されてあった、~してあった” と言う過去の場面で使います。
He had carefully read the entire reports in two days before appearing in court.
The entire reports had been carefully read (by him) in two days before appearing in court.
She had cooked dinner for her children before leaving home for work.
Dinner had been cooked (by her) for her children before leaving home for work.
The policeman had captured the fleeing suspect when his colleague arrived to help.
The fleeing suspect had been captured (by the policeman) when his colleague arrived to help.
My parents had built the house before I was born.
The house had been built (by my parents) before I was born.
City officials had explained evacuation procedures to the residents.
Evacuation procedures had been explained (by city officials) to the residents.
3. 未来完了形受動態(Passive Future Perfect):
~will have been + 過去分詞~
The school children will have visited the zoo three times if they visits again.
The zoo will have been visited (by the school children) three times if they visit again.
She will have cleaned the house by 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
The house will have been cleaned (by her) by 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
Sara will have taught the class for five months by August.
The class will have been taught (by Sara) for five months by August.
The police will have captured the intruder before the end of the week.
The intruder will have been captured (by the police) before the end of the week.
A group of mountaineers will have reached the summit before noon today.
The summit will have been reached (by a group of mountaineers) before noon today.
They will have repaired my car by the time I get off work.
My car will have been repaired (by them) by the time I get off work.
4. 動詞が目的語を2つ取る場合(Direct or Indirect Object):
She handed me a note.
A note was handed to me (by her).
I was handed a note (by her).
He showed me his family album.
His family album was shown to me (by him).
I was shown his family album (by him).
She told me a long story about her frustrations with her boss.
A long story about her frustrations with her boss was told to me (by her).
I was told a long story (by her) about her frustrations with her boss.
He gave her a nice watch as a birthday present.
A nice watch was given to her as a birthday present (by him).
She was given a nice watch as a birthday present (by him).
The security company sent us a team of investigators.
A team of investigators was sent to us (by the security company).
We were sent a team of investigators (by the security company).
The director offered them a week of paid vacation.
A week of paid vacation was offered to them (by the directors).
They were offered a week of paid vacation (by the director).