Relative Pronoun Who
日本語は大まかな状況を説明しているだけで詳細な訳ではありません 。
関係代名詞whoは先行詞が人で主格を表す場合に使われます。先行詞が人以外の場合は which か that が使われます。
1. Restrictive examples: Relative pronoun combines two clauses and clearly identifies the noun/pronoun/noun phrase preceding the dependent clause. The dependent clause is needed to complete the meaning of the sentence.
I have an uncle.
He speaks English very well.
I have an uncle who speaks English very well.
I know the man.
He is sitting under the tree on the bench.
I know the man who is sitting under the tree on the bench.
The man is my brother.
He spoke to you at the party last night.
The man who spoke to you at the party last night is my brother.
The candidates had high qualifications.
They were offered the job.
The candidates who were offered the job had high qualifications.
The police have been looking for the three men.
The men are accused of committing a bank robbery.
The police have been looking for the three men who are accused of committing a bank robbery.
Students are having a barbecue party at the beach.
They just finished the final exam.
Students who just finished the final exam are having a barbecue party at the beach.
2. Non-restrictive examples: Relative clause is set off by commas and supplies extra information. The who clause can be taken out without altering the meaning of the sentence.
Your mother, who called me yesterday, called again this afternoon.
Mr. Kinjo, who lives next door, is a high school teacher.
The Naha high school baseball players, who are invited to the welcome dinner party tonight, arrived here by bus yesterday.
When she witnessed the shoplifting she spoke to the manager, who is married with three children.
The soccer team arrived at the airport and were greeted by the mayor, who is a good friend of mine.
The president of the farmer’s union delivered a speech to the audience, who are avid fishermen.